Archive for ‘Scoop events’

July 7, 2011

Something cold, something new…

…something really tasty too! We’re heading out to another awesome Yelp! event tomorrow, and you know what we made? They’re almost too good to be true. Almost. But here they are…

They're chilly. They're vegan. They're free tomorrow night.

 Grateful Grahams made some mini grahams for these tasty little Phro*Zen sandwiches we’ll be slinging for free tomorrow evening. We hope to see you at the Yelp! event – we promise to try to save you one of these tasty little ‘wiches, but get there early because we can’t guarantee they’ll last long!

May 13, 2011

This is what we call prep.

Dance to this: Mr. Little Jeans \”Rescue Song\”

While eating these:

Minutes required to arrange those tasty little buggers for a photo: 3 Minutes required to eat them all: 4

And making this:

You're staring into salted smoky vanilla bourbon caramel sauce. It knows you want it.

What else are we prepping for Saturday’s event? Oh….you’ll just have to come to our dessert event to see and taste it all.

May 1, 2011

The First Greyhound Pets of America Benefit

Last night was the first of what I hope will be many benefits for Greyhound Pets of America, which is the greyhound adoption program that we got Ida from. Supporting the program that saves so many dogs after they’re retired from the race track was something we really wanted to do, and Derek was the guy to put it all together.

Derek and Ida. My man and my dog. Love them both.

He set everything up with Neon’s Unplugged, a bar off of Main in OTR that is dog-friendly (which gives it so many points, as do Molly Wellman’s expertly mixed cocktails). The GPA of Greater Cincinnati rounded up some troops, Derek pulled together donations from Buffalo Wild Wings, Maggiano’s, and more, and the event was on.

We wanted to support it too, since I love Ida, and Derek is my guy as well as one of our taste-testers, so we whipped up a batch of Ida’s favorite flavor of Phro*Zen – Peanut Butter Peace Train. Owners and greyhounds alike enjoyed free scoops!

"Pitt" the greyhound enjoying some Phro*Zen

“Pitt” in the photo above and her foster parent hung out very close to the cooler for much of the night. She needs adopting by the way! She’s so sweet, and definitely a cuddler, so if anyone out there is thinking about a dog, please consider Pitt!

While the night was full of good food, fun conversations, and plenty of  new dogs and people to meet, it was really all about getting these dogs into safe and loving homes after they’ve been on the race track. The donations received from the silent auctions, donation buckets, etc., will all be put toward getting more pups like our Ida off of the track and into a family. We’re so glad to have her, and we were so excited to see more happy party animals out at Neon’s last night – we loved the greyhounds too!

The greyhounds and their owners out on the bocce ball lawn.

April 19, 2011

Adventures with Ida and an invitation to you

I would like to take this particular blog opportunity to introduce you to one of my four-legged friends, Ida.

Ida’s smiling at you.

If you follow us on Twitter, you know a little bit about her already, seeing as a lot of my tweets seem to focus on our craft time together (and by craft time I of course mean she just puts up with me being in the same room with whatever I’m doing, and sighs when I show her what I’ve done). A few of you might have even met her, as she’s often at the other end of a leash on her way downtown to Park+Vine with me. But for those of you that don’t know Ida, here’s a little bit about her (this is leading up to a bigger point, I promise).

Ida is about two years old, and she’s an adopted greyhound. A few months back, Derek (taste-tester and boyfriend o’ mine) searched through a whole bunch of websites, breeders, adoption organizations, etc. for a greyhound. He’d always wanted one, and while I wasn’t exactly thrilled at the thought of one more responsibility at a time when I was holding a full-time job and running Phro*Zen, I am so glad we got Ida.
Derek found her through the Greyhound Pets of America (Greater Cincinnati division) adoption program, where she was taken from the race track, to a foster home, to an adoptive home that was right for her – which happened to be Derek’s!
Now, even though I spend a good portion of my day alone, running around Cincinnati, and doing whatever I have to do that day, I’ve got Ida to hang out with. We go to Park+Vine together, we go for rides in my car, and we go to Neon’s for a drink at the end of a long day.
So many smells to smell.

So, you must be wondering why Im writing about a greyhound, no? Well, first off, she is not just any greyhound – she rocks. Secondly, the organization we got her through is having a fundraiser at Neons on the 29th of April in order to raise funds so that more greyhounds can go from the track to loving homes, and more people will get to adopt these great animals. Ida will be there, as will I, armed with an ice cream scoop and plenty of Phro*Zen for those that attend. You don’t have to buy tickets or anything, just show up from 5 to 9 pm at Neo’s on April 29th, and maybe donate the dollar you save at happy hour to the group. Ida would love to meet you, you can bring your dog if youve got one, eat some good food and drink great cocktails. There will be some pretty cool two-legged friends there, too! Please join us?Come see Ida at Neon’s 5-9 on April 29!

March 14, 2011

Join us, won’t you?

Hey everyone! Before everyone gets started on their busy schedules for this week, we wanted to invite you to an event we’ll be serving samples at this Friday, March 18th. We’ll be serving up a couple of flavors at the Malton Gallery in Rookwood from 5-7, and we’d love to see everyone there! There will be art to check out and ice cream to eat – what’s not to like?!

Malton Gallery website:

We’ll write again tomorrow – see you then! Love.